Monday 30 November 2009

Randomness On The Eve of A Test

So here I am, sitting before my laptop, trying in vain to take in the contents of the stack of histology notes before me. Well it's not like I'm studying because there's this test coming up tomorrow, but more like because it's for the sake of myself (tsundere reaction ftw!).

These few recent days have been pretty bad for me, I must say. Our hostel commandant, a total bitch, decided to change every single window in the hostel. And she didn't even have to common sense to have had them changed over summer. Brainless bitch... is brainless.

That's the least of my worries though. Somehow, I strained the muscles in my waist. Which means excruciating pain when I try to bend it. Total torture. Not to mention, I sleep on the top bunk of a double decker bed. Which makes matters worse. Obviously. Climbing up is a problem within itself, but so is climbing down!

Due to the above stated reason, I decided to not attend Russian class (which I thought would definitely be A-OK because I rarely, if not never skipped class) and stay home to rest my ripped waist. Turned out that my teacher wasn't pleased, for she thought I was taking advantage of her kindness, and I'm in for a serious berating on Saturday.

Furthermore, I accidentally scorched my lip with a pincer drenched with sizzling oil. Now I have a patch of blackened skin on my lower lip. And it hurts. Really badly. Also, it looks terribly out of place. Horrible.

And due to THAT, I got in a row with a friend of mine. Well of course I wouldn't elaborate much on the details, but that's that.

My remedy though, to cure even the worst of days, is this awesome song.

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