Tuesday 23 August 2011


I just realized it's been a while since I actually did some writing, and well we have here, a simple piece of work. Tried my hand at writing something with an old-ish feel, and here we have the tale of a blacksmith... and his vengeance.

Do note that the first verses depict the cause of his revenge.

The Lost Blacksmith
Attend the tale of Sanger Zonvold,
A tale of treachery woven by the hands of God.

Fifteen years ago…
There was a blacksmith and his wife,
And she was beautiful,
A foolish blacksmith and his wife,
She was his reason and his life,
And she was beautiful,
And she was virtuous,
And he was… naïve,
There was another man who saw,
That she was beautiful,
A pious vulture of the law,
Who with a gesture of his claw,
Removed the sentry from his plate,
Then there was nothing but to wait,
And she would fall,
So soft,
So young,
So lost and oh so beautiful!

Sven sighed as he set foot upon the shores of his homeland again.

Fifteen years. Fifteen years of being caged. An eternity spent in darkness. He will pay, there’s no doubt.

The once familiar streets, which were used to be illuminated with warmth were now cloaked with frigid shadows, stank of malice and malevolence.

Sven shouldered his rucksack and trod slowly toward where his old smithy used to stand. What lay at his destination rooted him to the spot, as the ruins of his previous life held his gaze till the sun dipped below the horizon and the moon rose. A tap on his arm jerked him out of his reverie. Whirling, he beheld a blonde-haired young man with a dreadful scar across his forehead standing behind him.

“What happened here?” Sven implored.

“Fifteen years ago, there was a blacksmith who worked here. He was taken away by the guards, and no one has heard of him ever again.”

“Taken away by the guards? And his crime?”

“Foolishness. You see, he had this beautiful wife. The night after they took him away, Judge Branstein, aye, the honorable Judge Branstein, sent his henchman Ingram Wildschwein to abduct the blacksmith’s wife.”

“What befell her?”

“She was imprisoned. Fucked to no end every night like some harlot. Rumor has it that she poisoned herself two months later, unable to bear the shame. Poor thing.”

“NO!” Sven wailed as his hands clutched his head. His memories of his wife Euphemia le Britannia gushed through his mind as a volatile mix of emotions spun wildly within him, depriving him of the strength to stand and driving him to his knees in despair.

“So it’s you after all, Master Sanger!”

“No! Sanger Zonvold is dead! It’s Sven now. Sven Petrovich. And he will have his revenge.” Sven replied, his eyes afire with vengeance. Rage gave him strength to rise again. “You name me Master; is it you Ratsel?”

Ratsel Sibelwind nodded sadly. “I used to keep your forges hot as your apprentice, but those times are but distant memories now. Only one has survived. Follow me,” the young man gestured as he stepped over the ruins. Sven quietly tailed him and watched silently as Ratsel rummaged amongst the debris.

Sweeping away a pile of rubble that was once the roof, Ratsel reached down into an alcove hidden underneath the floorboard to retrieve an elongated package. After brushing off the layers of dust that had accumulated over the years, Ratsel slit open the wrapping to reveal a huge zweihander. The blade glowed as it reflected the moonlight. Solemnly and silently Ratsel handed the sword over to Sven. Speechless at first, Sven could only caress the weapon lovingly as he sang softly to himself:

This is my friend,
See how it glistens,
See this blade shine,
How he smiles,
In the light,
My friend,
My clever friend,
Till now your shine,
Was merely silver,
You shall drip rubies,
You’ll soon drip precious rubies…

“The blade is chaste silver, isn’t it?”

“Silver, yes.” Sven murmured as he fingered the edge idly. “Goblins’.”

Crossing his wrists to grip the sword with both hands, Sanger pointed it skywards with a cry, “At last, my arm is complete again!” A tremulous smile graced his face, the first smile after all those years of torment and agony.

“What, may I ask, are you going to do now, Master?”

“I will find Branstein and put an end to him.”

“And after that?”

“I’ll leave.”

“Where to?”

Sven paused momentarily. “I don’t know. Mayhaps Felwood. I can hardly stay here after exacting my revenge.”

“I pray to Elune that we will meet again, master. It has, and will always be a pleasure to serve you.”

“You were ever faithful, Ratsel.” Sven smiled bitterly as he clapped a heavy hand on the shoulder of his former apprentice. “I ask one last duty of you.” With Ratsel’s aid Sven sheathed the sword and slung the scabbard across his back.

“Now tell me, where resides the foul knave?”

“I’ll lead you there myself.”


In front of Branstein’s manor, Sven parted ways with Ratsel. He drew a deep breath as he turned to face the oaken door-

Now then my friend. Time to your purpose. Patience, enjoy it, revenge can’t be taken in haste.

-then hammered a clenched fist against the wood.

The knocks were answered by a pompous squat man who promptly barked,

“What’s the ruckus about? Who the hell are you?”

“I presume, my good sir, that you would be Ingram Wildschwein?”

“How do you know my-“his words were cut short by a slash of Sven’s sword.

Sven stepped over Ingram’s body and surveyed it coldly as it bled out.

“One down. One more to go.”

Sword at the ready, Sven swiftly ascended to the second floor, slaughtering those unfortunate enough to appear before him as he sprinted from room to room. The screams of the dying pervaded the air as Sven’s sword callously sliced through flesh and bone.

At last he threw open a portal to regard his nemesis sitting comfortably in an armchair, sipping from a teacup and reading a tome.

“Ingram, how many times must I remind you, to NOT ever show your foul temper in this house?” Branstein snapped crossly without even bothering to look up.

“Ingram is dead.”

“What was that?” Branstein’s head whipped up in shock. “Who are you?”

“The years no doubt have changed me sir, but then I suppose the face of a blacksmith… the face of a prisoner in the dock is not particularly memorable.” Sven responded bleakly, his fingers stroking the edge of his dripping sword.

“Sanger Zonvold!” Branstein’s eyes widened in horror as truth sank into him; the truth that the person he had so unjustly deported fifteen years ago was now standing before him, very much alive and seeking his blood.

“SANGER ZONVOLD!” Sven roared as a golden aura of light erupted around him, empowering him with divine strength. He rammed his blade to the hilt into Branstein’s chest, withdrew it in an arc of blood, and then with repetitive strokes clove Branstein’s limp body into two gory halves. But Sven did not stop there; No, this blade would not be stopped until enough blood had been shed.

By the time the deed was done the carcass was beyond recognition. Sven fell upon his knees panting from exerting so much effort. Limply he let his weapon fall upon Branstein’s mutilated remains.

Rest now, my friend. Rest now forever. Sleep now, the untroubled sleep of the angels.

Sven rose and turned to leave, never to return.

Farewell now, my friend.


Wednesday 17 August 2011





仅管有时你会调笑她是个小尾巴,仅管有时她也会犯一点点小错误。她始终笑脸盈盈的包容着你的冲动,你偶尔的孩子气。 像一潭波澜不惊的小湖,只泛微微涟漪。她和他始终保持着一种淡调的默契,进退的决心。他很着急的忙着表现自己,于是她会柔柔含笑的看着。




Wednesday 10 August 2011


烛 光晚餐。


“我喜欢你。 ”女人一边摆弄着手里的酒杯,一边淡淡地说着。   

“我有老婆。 ”男人摸着自己手上的戒指。   

“我不在乎,我只想知道,你的感觉。 你,喜欢我吗?”   男人抬起头,打量着对面的女人。   

24岁,年轻,有朝气,相当不错的年纪。   白皙的皮肤,充满活力的身体,一双明亮的,会说话的眼睛。   真是不错的女孩啊,可惜。   

“如果你也喜欢我,我不介意作你的情人。 ”女人终于等不下去,追加了一句。   

“我爱我妻子。 ”男人坚定地回答。   

“你爱她?爱她什么?现在的她,应该已经年老色衰,见不得人了吧。 否则,公司的晚宴,怎么从来不见你带她来……”   女人还想继续,可接触到男人冷冷的目光后,打消了念头。   



“成熟,稳重,动作举止很有男人味,懂得关心人,很多很多。 反正,和我之前见过的人不同,你很特别。 ”   

“不知道。 我不在乎,即使你坐过牢。 ”   

“三年前,我就是你现在眼里的那些普通男人。 ”男人没理会女人,继续说。   

“普通大学毕业,工作不顺心,整天喝酒,发脾气。 对女孩子爱理不理,还因为去夜总会找小姐,被警察抓过。 ”   



“嗯。 她那个人,好像总能看到事情的内在。 教我很多东西,让我别太计较得失,别太在乎眼前的事,尽量待人和善。 那时的我在她面前,就像少不更事的孩子。 那时真的很奇怪,倔脾气的我,偏偏最听她的话。 按照她说的,接受现实,我知道自己没用,就努力工作。 那年年底,工作上稍微有了起色,我们结婚了。 ”   男人弹了弹烟灰,继续说着。   

“那时,真是苦日子。 两个人,一张床,家里的家具也少得可怜。 知道吗?结婚一年后,我才给她买了第一枚钻戒,存了大半年的钱呢。 当然,是背着她存的。 若她知道了,是肯定不让的。 ”   

“那阵子,因为烟酒弄得自己身体不好。 大冬天的,她每天晚上睡前还要给我熬汤喝。 那味道,也只有她做得出。 ”   男人沉醉于回忆里,忘记了时间,只是不停地讲述着往事。   



“啊,对不起,没注意时间,已经这么晚了。 ”男人抱歉地笑了笑。 “现在,你可以理解嘛?我不可能,也不会,做对不起她的事。 ”   

“啊,知道了。 输给这样子的人,心服口服了!”女人无奈地摇了摇头。

“不过我到了她的年纪,会更棒的。 ”   

“嗯。 那就可以找到更好的男人。 不是吗? 很晚了,家里的汤要冷了,我送你回去。 ”男人站起身,想送女人。   

“不了,我自己回去可以了。 ”女人摆了摆手。

“回去吧,别让她等急了。 ”   



“……嗯,很美。 ”   


男人回到家,推开门,径直走进卧室,打开了台灯。 沿着床边,他坐了下来。   

“老婆,已经第四个了。 干嘛让我变得这么好,好多人喜欢我呀。 搞不好,我会变心呀。 干吗把我变得这么好,自己却先走了?我,我一个人,好孤单呀……”   男人哽咽地说着,终于泣不成声。   

眼泪,一滴滴从男人的脸颊流下,打在手心里的相框上。 昏暗的灯光中,旧照片里弥漫着的是已逝女子淡淡的温柔。


Friday 5 August 2011


开始觉得马来西亚真不是人住的地方了。 整个国家变了。那天刚到家,第二天要去办护照什么的了。结果去到了出入境管理的那栋楼,具体名字不知道。结果我的天啊,居然是一片人山人海,一片外劳山外劳海。









还有啊,puasa啊,晚上街边开什么卖吃的,开在路边还好,不要开在路上啊!占了半条路,想堵死人么? 还有啊,你们这些在路边这样开当口的,有执照没有啊?! 警察呢?好开心地在买吃的,完全无视了商人们没挂牌的现实!然后看到是华人印度人没挂牌的,各种抓,各种受贿啊!所谓的mesra,带着微笑服务。。貌似是塞了你们点咖啡钱才笑的吧!

