Thursday 21 May 2009


First and foremost, I would bid you, the reader of this short composition, a warm welcome to my little corner. For reasons I shall no speak of, I shall be known as none other, but Alice. The name "Alice" has been a particular favourite of mine for as long as I have known time itself, and I am pleased to be using it as an alias of myself.

Well, personally, I have little or almost none experience blogging, so please do not expect to see other stuff beside walls of text in this little humble sanctuary of mine. Real life constantly calls out for me, and I have close to little time to learn the manipulation of these blogging widgets, so I ask of you to kindly be satisfied with the future texts I might be posting.

Without further ado, I shall put forth a short introduction of myself. I am but a student, studying medicine in Russia (yes I know, it's not exactly a matter to be proud of), and I'm pretty much what you might call a "hikkikomori" in Japanese. It is due to times like this, when I'm spending my time idly clicking on random spots in Google Chrome, my mind overflows with various stuff. It gets really frustrating some times, thus the reason I created this : as a dump of figments of my imagination, as well as somewhere I can sit and write whatever I think over a nice cup of tea.

If I still have your attention, I would like to name 2 of my friends who'd ignited the spark of desire within myself to start blogging, a certain Ms. Chew, and Mr. Yim.

Well, I guess that would be enough for an introduction, I most certainly didn't plan to speak much. Till the next post then. Pax vobiscum.


  1. Welcome to world of blogging :-)

  2. good god bah I never expected to see YOU of all people here

  3. interesting introduction, lovely and witty english you've got there.

    looking forward to enjoy reading future blog posts of yours.

